


About Oxford VR:Oxford VR  is built on the ground-breaking work of Daniel Freeman, Professor of Clinical Psychology at Oxford University and Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust. Freeman has been one of the pioneers of the use of virtual reality to understand and treat mental health problems, with research funded by the Wellcome Trust, the UK Medical Research Council, and the NHS National Institute of Health Research. 

Oxford VR’s focus is on developing clinically validated, cost-effective, user-centred cognitive treatments for clinical conditions with significant impact on patients, the health system and wider economy. Our treatments are automated, with the therapy delivered by a virtual coach, enabling us to increase dramatically access to the best therapies. We take a cognitive therapy approach, basing therapeutic techniques on a tested theoretical model of each problem. The automated therapy is therefore tailored for each condition, with its efficacy demonstrated in clinical trials. When VR is done properly, the experience triggers the same psychological and physiological reactions as real-life situations. And that means that what people learn from the VR therapy can help them in the real world.

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